Throughout the Park you can discover picnic tables in the open and hidden amongst the trees. Sit with your take-out coffee and muffin or homemade egg sandwiches, enjoy the senses stimulated by eating outside.
The Scottish weather doesn’t always allow al fresco dining, however, these tables have tree cover, offering some protection from light rain or wind.
Mindful eating is one way of becoming more aware of our food and research shows can help with digestion, regulate appetite and you can enjoy food more.
When sitting down to eat outdoors, take in the surrounding smells, sights and sounds. Feel the breeze on your face, the wood of the painted bench below you and let it take your weight. When eating, take a cherry tomato and place in your mouth, use your tongue to roll around it before biting in. The release of the juice, seeds and squeaking skin are followed by a rush of sweetness as the taste buds all over the tongue activate.
Approach each bite with this patient, slow and mindful approach to eating. Start with one bite and see if you can build up to the whole picnic over time.
Picnic Table (Illustration by Cara Shanley Art)
More guidance and suggestions can be found at
Mindful eating at