Dunfermline’s Birds

Peacock Sanctuary

If you have been in the Park for longer than 30 minutes you may already have heard a “cacckoww”. A visit to the Peacock Sanctuary in the old Stables will answer your question of “what was that?”

Peacock Sanctuary
Peacock Sanctuary (Illustration by Cara Shanley Art)

Peacocks were brought to Dunfermline by Henry Beveridge in 1905 when returning from India. Beveridge made his money in weaving mills and donated the birds to the town. They have been wandering in the Park and wider ever since and even have the official status of Freedom of the Town. 

Hit the triangle at the bottom of the screen and you can be reminded of the peacock’s mating call 🦚

Our peacocks have a PayPal account to help with food supplies and such, full details on their Facebook page should you wish to help them out or maybe muck them out by volunteering. 

Did you know, a group of peafowl are known as an ‘ostentation’ or a ‘muster’?

There are lots of other birds in the park and surrounding Dunfermline, sound enthusiast, Brian Innes, took a recording of the dawn chorus from the Public Park in 2017, you can listen below:

Brian Innes Dawn Chorus at Dunfermline Public Park

Can you identify any of these birds? A pleasant five minutes can pass by closing your eyes, listening for bird calls and identifying the bird.

If you want to know more bird sounds than seagulls then see the website BirdNET for how to learn more.

Peacocks in Pittencrieff Park Facebook page
Brian Innes Soundcloud page