Phone Rings in cafe
Fiona: Hello, you made it! Welcome to Dunfermline, I’m excited to show you round my town.
Fiona: Did you know that Scotland has two patron saints? Everybody knows St Andrew, but not so much about St Margaret. We all learned a bit about her when we were at school. You know the kind of thing, we were taken off to all the local places that are named after her and told she was really important to the nation and church when alive 900 years ago.
Even as a kid, I thought she sounded a fascinating woman and felt there must be more to learn about her. And you hear all about the men in history, like all the Kings and St Andrew, but I was much more interested in the women, and our Margaret seemed to have influenced Scotland in a really positive way.
She was passionate about getting her children educated, she showed incredible devotion to the church, used her royal position to be generous to the people and has influenced things right through to this century!
Get your walking shoes on because I’m going to show you why she inspired me. You can’t miss the Abbey Church, in the centre of town. We’ll start at the end of the building, just beside the new library garden. There’ s a couple of large grey slabs right next to the Abbey, that’s a great place to begin.