The story of how Pittencrieff Park was bought by Andrew Carnegie and given to the town is often told.
“No gift I ever made or can ever make…can possibly approach that of Pittencrieff Glen, Dunfermline. It is saturated with childish sentiment all the purest and sweetest….”
The Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie and the Gospel of Wealth, A Carnegie
In boyhood, it was beyond his wildest dreams that he would someday be able to buy “the Paradise of his childhood” and turn it over to Dunfermline for a public park, and yet he achieved it in 1903.
Sir Patrick Geddes, sociologist, town planner, philanthropist wore many hats and delivered projects across the world. One project he submitted to the newly formed Carnegie Dunfermline Trust in 1904 was his vision to have the newly opened park as a place of exploration to experience culture, arts, views and nature.
His report is available free online and includes his proposal with photos of ‘before’ Geddes then takes that image, drawing on it to edit what he suggested how it would look ‘after’.
Thomas Mawson also submitted a proposal, however neither were chosen. That said, suggestions from the two designers have been referred to and some features introduced in the last 120 years have been influenced by the original submissions.
Over 750,000 visits each year continue to benefit from this generous act, this tour will introduce you to areas of the Park you may not be familiar with. We also have some suggestions on getting to know yourself in new ways through the natural resources found here.
The Park is 76 acres and often referred to as ‘The Glen’ by locals. It is home to all sorts of living, breathing animals, trees, plants, insects, fish and people. Some areas have steps or steep paths, there’re woodland walks with major routes all tarmaced for everyone to access. Please take care on your travels depending on the season and weather.
Don’t be shy and say “Good morning” or “Hello” to your fellow park users, everyone has a better day when greeted with a smile and a polite greeting.
Use the park’s signposts for taking different routes, there are information boards at many of the points of interest and you can always email us questions if you think we can help
The Park has many organisations and activities happening within the park. You can find more details at our Stop, What’s Next?
Each Stop has the nearby information for Stops immediately to your right, left, up or down on the map.
Illustrations by Cara Shanley Art