The Missing St Margaret’s Hall

St Margaret's Hall facing to the north.

As with other old towns, Dunfermline’s history includes its fair share of fires. Perhaps the most referred to is the hugely destructive fire of 1624, which laid waste to over 50% of the town’s buildings at the time. 

A more recent fire, in 1961, burnt down St Margaret’s Hall which had, since 1878, been a popular venue for concerts, dancing and events. It used to stand where you are now but was replaced by an extension to the Library.  

St Margaret's Hall facing south
Fife Cultural Trust (Dunfermline Local Studies) on behalf of Fife Council. Looking south from Canmore Street and St Margaret’s Street junction. 

The Hall had a capacity of 1,400 with a smaller hall for 600, billiard and committee rooms and a library. The Dunfermline Dramatic Society was formed there. The fire happened after a boxing match on the 22nd May 1961, just as ownership of the Hall was due to change hands at midnight.

St Margaret's Hall facing to the north.
Fife Cultural Trust (Dunfermline Local Studies) on behalf of Fife Council. Looking north up St Margaret’s Street. 
Headline from The Dunfermline Press 'Hall gutted"
Dunfermline Press headline. Fife Cultural Trust (Dunfermline Local Studies) on behalf of Fife Council.

A compilation of 1950s dance hall music can be found on the Spotify playlist to help you imagine the sounds emanating from the building before it was lost.

In 2018, Local band Dancing on Tables and Loopmaniac Studio put together a film which features a musical history of the Hall as well as exploring some of the other former venues of the town. 

Dunfermline Dramatic Society
The Auld Grey Toun – A Soundtrack