A High Street Stage

Photo showing Unitas Hall and shops, east corner of Queen Anne Street and Randolph Street.

For community events and performances London has Trafalgar Square, Glasgow has George Square and Dunfermline has…well, this grass area. A temporary stage is used during events like September’s Outwith Festival but until 2006 the space was dominated by two huge buildings; Dunfermline Cooperative Department store and Unitas Dancing Hall. 

Map of town centre with cross saying you are here, High Street and Randolph Street junction.
Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland
Photo from 1957 showing Dunfermline Cooperative Society Central premises on Randolph Street
Dunfermline Cooperative Society Central Premises before modernisation, 1957. Fife Cultural Trust (Dunfermline Local Studies) on behalf of Fife Council. The High Street can be seen at the bottom of the hill. 

With the Unitas Hall here, St Margaret’s Hall down the hill and the Kinema Ballroom on the other side of today’s bus station, these three venues offered entertainment for every taste.

Photo showing Unitas Hall and shops, east corner of Queen Anne Street and Randolph Street.
Unitas Hall and shops, east corner of Queen Anne Street and Randolph Street, opened 9th October 1926 to replace premises destroyed by fire. Fife Cultural Trust (Dunfermline Local Studies) on behalf of Fife Council

Listen to some memories from David Gray – the man behind the many barbershops in the town and also an accomplished accordion player who was a regular on Dunfermline’s music circuit.

David Gray talking about playing concerts in Dunfermline’s many venues